
Chateau Coquelle

This year from Octobre 2018 to June 2019 I am being treated royally by the Chateau Coquelle, an Arts centre for spoken work and photography located in Dunkerque, France. Several weeks of residencies, including a studio to dream in and an apartment in the castle, a generous grant and support for creating new work has helped me take precious time to develop my craft. I am so very grateful.

News from abroad

Over the past couple of years from 2011 till 2014 most of my storytelling has been taking place in the North of France. Yes, indeed, I have been speaking that froggy tongue and creating storytelling shows for adults and children. Here are some of the photos…

And here is a link to the french version of this webblog :

for more info and details (if you speak french).

More to come after the New Year.

Hello world!

Melissa Baker
Swept away with stories

Storyteller Melissa Baker invites audiences to rediscover timeless fairy tales, unveiling a plethora of improbably poetic tweeks and twists designed to tune the listneners ear to the frequency of her most surprising wavelength.